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About The Foundation

The Thornhill Heritage Foundation was founded in 2009 to own and maintain assets deemed to be of significant heritage, historic, cultural importance, or of major financial value. Our current proerty is:

Robert West Heritage House

7780 Yonge Street (entrance off Old Yonge Street) L4J 1W3 



About The Robert West House

The Robert West Heritage House, as 7780 Yonge Street is known, is the only house in Thornhill to be continuously inhabited by the same family since it was built. Robert Arthur West (1816 - 1884), an English immigrant, came to Upper Canada in the 1830s. 



About Mrs. Keith

Katherine Louisa Keith (nee West) was born in Toronto in 1912. She was the great grandaughter of Robert West and became his last living descendent.


In 2008, with her advancing age, she decided that the best way to ensure that the house was preserved was to donate it 



Other Historical Organizations

Ontario Historical Society


Society for the Preservation 
of Historic Thornhill (SPOHT)








Copyright Thornhill Heritage Foundation, 2014
Site developed by: Innovations Design